Radio Nigeria Enugu National Station has concluded this year’s Holiday Vocational Studies for children with a call on parents to avail their children with this extra ordinary experience. Holiday Lesson also called holiday extra curriculum is a period when a person or persons are taught courses or subjects or how to do something that is not part of the usual school or college courses.
It is an activity that comprises people from different classes, schools and family backgrounds with different levels of intelligence. FRCN Holiday Lessons was designed for kids to have fun and learn at the same time. It is a programme that moves them away from what they normally do in their various schools, aimed at easing stress and keeping the children busy, during the holidays.
Some of the children who participated in the programme said it was all fun as they were exposed to a lot of training, different from their normal school courses. Two of their Tutors, Mr Ganiju Musbaudeen and Mr Ephraim Okafor expressed satisfaction with the programme and prayed the Management of FRCN, Enugu to sustain the school.
Two Parents whose children attended the FRCN, Enugu Vocational School applauded the efforts of Radio Nigeria in putting up the programme and urged Parents to avail their kids the opportunity to participate in the next vacation.
The Radio Nigeria Enugu long vacation school is a one month programme that offers your child the opportunity to learn Arts and Crafts, Maths, English, French and Chinese Languages, Music, Dance and Etiquette, that is elocution and grooming.