In some homes in the world today there is a phenomenal change in who finance family needs as many women are becoming the breadwinners of their families. This development is displacing the old order where men were not only the breadwinners of their families but also the head of families.
The questions on many lips today are what is responsible for this development , what are the social, moral and economic implications for family institution and the society? The situation without doubt is changing an order that have out lived many centuries and have deep root in some religions and culture with some consequences on social, morality and human dignity.
Some social scholars highlighted advancement in human development, growing opportunities for male and female in education and career development, difficult economic situation as well as destiny as some of the factors responsible for the changing trend. A business man, Mr. Michael Okeke speaking from personal observation, urged more affluent partners especially females not to see themselves as God but be submissive to the their partners as wealth and honour were divine provisions.
On his part, Mr. Valentine Nkwonta saw nothing wrong in women being the breadwinners of their families. Mr. Nwkonta stressed that the present condition of the country demanded that both partners should work together for the progress of the family. A business woman, Mrs. Ebele however believed that the bond of marriage holds a man and woman to work together for the sustenance of the family and both should show respect for themselves as well as work for the comfort of their children.
On the implication of women becoming breadwinners in the families Mrs. Chinyere Ezenwa said with perfect understanding and love, couples could live peacefully without minding who fends for the family. Marriage is all about love, let love lead in your family.